Remedy is the first temperature-controlled wearable and flexible pill container designed for those experiencing homelessness.

Those experiencing homelessness have several competing needs between shelter, food and health. As a direct result of their circumstances, unhoused individuals are frequently away from their tents and often have their personal belongings, including their medications, stolen. Any medication stored in an orange pill bottle is thought to have street value. Even if it’s as innocuous as medication for heart disease.

Even keeping medication in a backpack is not enough. We have spoken to tens of providers and patients, and current solutions like backpacks or Ziploc bags also get stolen. One patient we spoke to, Mack, had his backpack stolen right off his back as he was sleeping, the day after his medications had been re-filled at the pharmacy. Unfortunately, this had happened to him several times so he had started to keep his money with the owner of a liquor store. He had been planning to leave his medicine with his providers but had not had the chance to meet them after getting his medications re-filled before the theft.

With this in mind, we knew that any product we designed had to keep the needs of unhoused patients at the forefront.

Our flexible pill container eliminates the bright orange pill container that makes patients a walking target. The flexibility allows for patients to keep the pill container in the wearable during the day as they are moving around, and it allows for patients to sleep on the pill container without experiencing discomfort as they would’ve with a plastic pill container.

The temperature-controlled wearable uses an insulation system comprised of three layers for temperature sensitive medications such as insulin. The discreet form factor and comfortability of the wearable allows for it to be worn under the clothes and on the body to help prevent theft of medications.